Good evening from Pakistan. It’s me again. I am currently in the 10th or I should say an hour 10 time with Jessie say yes, you know, we are in 30th, which is boxing Italy house where we guess you sleeping 3. Yeah, if she’s in 13300 we had a long day moving in moving 14 miles out 2300 feet of game at rain sleet snow that for the river which is quite a bit of fun. I think just you know, the only two that really fun to be used in in it. But yeah, I’m using and stuff obstacles wife. Anyway, I want to let everyone know that I did get the modem running more of an update issue that I need to work out when I have more time. But we’re going to have a shorter day tomorrow. So I’m going to try to get it closed out today if just had no photos or video this so that I can get you something for the first few days of the trip. Other than that, we’re how is hi Mary? Hi Jessie. You have any color commentary out? Now the tents cozy his making for a very nice number with load up here on the mountain. Alright guys, well you heard of them. Definitely. We’re at the place not and I look forward to hearing from you soon. Bye.