(Not the best transcription, suggested to listen to the audio above)
Good evening from Pakistan. Hey, everyone another day or modem issues. If not, actually, it is camp wide and a couple other teams are a few teams are using the the Raya travel light system, which is considered best and Dad is not scream. We can make holes on the satellite phone in a couple left a message with his father than that, but we do have a rest day or moving tomorrow and then I could we have a rest after that. So wasn’t I’m we’re we’re going to be camping. It’s a big open area. So if it sounds like up anyway until then if you’re my voice, so nothing you guys. Today starting up pretty rough. I woke up at 4 a.m. And see if we made a strong come back and I have the chills and we had a 12 actually 30 mile hike it rained. It was fun. We switch from shorts to waterproof rain show all of the place. The weather’s been crazy here from Yeah, so I thought formal is a pretty rough day. I was dragging I felt with RJ getting breakfast or lunch, but I did take some antibiotics. So hopefully I’ll be feeling a little bit better tomorrow because we have another 12 miles tomorrow after that after tomorrow. So we will have your rest day. So really hoping that we can get not only my fitness gone but also get modem up and running so that will be able to push up mad at you cuz I got a lot of pictures, you know, I’m sure you and I know that everybody where I hope that everybody’s looking forward to reading about my journey. This place is absolutely thought maybe before credible every with the sofa made such a hard worker. I’m like Everest. We’re we have food phone in. Or food actually marches in with us. So we had a food ago and not 43 Boxes for shipping. So yeah, really interesting stuff. Look forward to talk to you guys tomorrow. Hopefully, we’ll get a post you guys up with some my voice anymore. Alright. Hope everything is well back home. If you everyone and look forward to meeting all of you. Call me. Alright, bye.
Wow, John, dinner on the trek sounds just like Sunday dinner on the farm back in the old days or not so old days. One day you’d be feeding that chicken and the next day you’d be eating it. Except for your stomach issues, it sounds like a fascinating trip, maybe like one of the great British expeditions of yore. Are you wearing a pith helmet? I didn’t see that with all your other gear. I really am a bit worried that you will have difficulties readjusting to life in California, where you will be lacking staff as I understand you are travel with quite an entourage. Hang in there. You’re doing well. Hope that modem gets up and running soon so that you can hear from your fans and the curious from across the world.
It is sooooo good to hear your voice!!! Hang in there… you are tough…. you will get better. I love you!!!!
Praying for a speedy recovery, John! Stay strong!
Thanks for the voicemail! (We found the transcript version of your voicemail to be extremely entertaining! ) Hope you shake off the remaining illness and keep getting stronger as you move onward and upward. We Love You John!!!