Yesterday, on July 22nd at 6:40 AM, my dream of summiting K2, “The Holy Grail of Mountaineering”, became a reality. It was a surreal moment filled with emotion and even after 40 hours and 12,000+ ft of descent, it has yet to truly sink in. Perhaps it is the sheer exhaustion, extreme caloric deficiency and dehydration, or the psychological toll that it took. Maybe it is the years and thousands of hours of training leading up to this point. I really don’t know at this point…
What I do know is that I couldn’t have done it without the overwhelming love and support that I have received from you. The mountain was utterly terrifying and it was easily the most challenging task of my entire life but you gave me the strength that I needed to overcome it. Together, you helped me become the 21st American to ever stand on the summit of K2!
Now that I am back at basecamp, away from imminent danger, I will spend the next couple of days recovering, collecting my thoughts, and responding to the countless messages that I have received over the next few days. I’m sure that many of you are looking forward to a detailed account of our summit and I promise you that I will get that to you as soon as possible. Until then, thank you from the bottom of my heart for all of your messages and for joining me on this journey!
Wow, John being deficient in calories – that doesn’t happen often! Great job on safely accomplishing your goal. And even more congrats on not causing an avalanche on the mountain with your loud booming voice. I think we’ll all be happy when you are finally back in the US recounting your Pakistani stories in between bites of nature’s best source of calories; burritos.
Just read you “Thank You” note… Now I want to say thank you for safely getting down from the summit and back to base camp, AND thanking God for watching over you and “holding you up” when ever you need that extra boost to move on, make a decision, etc. I am pretty sure you had a few guardian angels assisting as well.
Love you, Aunt Rita (and Uncle Bruce, Sasha and Daisy!)
John ~ Congratulations on yet another incredible feat! More importantly congratulations to your Mom for surviving you chasing your dreams!!! It was hard enough following along as your friend, I can’t even imagine what your Mom was going through. There is no training regiment for letting go and allowing your children to fly on their own which is arguably one of the hardest things to do on earth (not to take away from your thunder 🙂 Safe travels the rest of your way home!
Congratulations from the Wayne Jensen family on your incredible achievement! It was amazing to be able to be able to follow you on this journey. Many thanks to all the people who supported you with the technology that allowed us “mere mortals” to be able to follow along on a day by day (or should I say step by step) basis. Can’t wait to hear the details!
~ Kathy
Congrats dude! Amazing accomplishment!
Congratulations John !
You did it!
What an amazing accomplishment!
CONGRATULATIONS!!!!! I’ve read so many stories of people getting within 200 yards and having to turn back!!!! Safe travels down!
You are one amazing young man that made the parents really happy I imagine. You did it, fulfilling the dream of dreams , is now your time to celebrate. As much as I am happy for you, I’m glad is done and you will return healthy to your family. Bravo! Amazing journey, thank you for giving us the chance to have sleepless nights and pray like there is no tomorrow 😃.
Do not concern yourself with the caloric deficiency as I more than made up for that by over-eating the last few weeks while nervously reading and listening to your reports. Just trying to help out wherever I can.
I’m not sure how it is possible that I share a bit of DNA with someone who has accomplished such a phenomenal feat. Never in a million years did I think that the little boy whose big interest was dinosaurs would be climbing mountains, and really big mountains. Wow!
And, what Brendan said about your voice. That thought occurred to me too.
Continue to stay safe. You may be out of imminent danger, but we still need to get you home so continue to practice your patience. Soon enough you’ll be stuck on the 405 heading to Arvin.
So crazy exciting! And so glad you are all safe! Congrats again. I know your mom will be beaming at work tomorrow!
Congratulations John, finish strong and get home safe.
Nothing short of amazing. Congratulations to you and your team!
Congratulations on an incredible achievement. I am thankful you are safe and away from danger. Enjoy travels home to see us mere humans!
Best news of the day! Congrats on being the 21st American to stand on the top of K2! Seriously, that is really unreal. Of course, the picture is amazing, too. (Whatever will you dream of next, I wonder??!! )
It truly has been quite the journey following along with you, urging you on, praying for you and your team. I can’t imagine your awe while standing there on the top of the mountain! Such a view. And then safely back down again, praise God!
Thank you for sharing again with us, always the good and the bad, the ups and the downs and then lastly the sheer joy of summiting. Congrats to you and your team! Relax, rest and safe travels back to the USA. You deserve a burrito!! 🙂
Nothing short of extraordinary. You were a man among gods up there. Congratulations!
John – congratulations from all of us here at the ABC. I hope that almond nutrition played a small part in your achievement! Rest up, eat up, and come on home
Congratulations to you and the team, including the Sherpas who fixed the ropes! Wishing you safety the rest of the way home also. Thanks so much for your posts which give us a glimpse of the journey.
Congratulations, John! Such a whirlwind of fun, fear, excitement, and emotion to even be following this blog. What an amazing accomplishment to say the least. Congrats and safe travels back home.
Hi John,
What an accomplishment, 21st American to summit K2. Our prayers have been with you for the past month and we pray daily for your continued health and safety. Have a safe journey back to Arvin. We all look forward to that day.
We are impressed with your team as well as Jordan for keeping us all posted. Have some good rest and nourishment and then continue your adventure.
Love Farfar
Great news. See you soon- safe return. Love you and thankful for all you do to show us the Way
So, so awesome John….you truly are beyond amazing…..We are so proud of you and your entire team…..thank you for the steps you took for all of us and for letting us be a part of your incredible journey!! Praying for rest and safe travels home!!
Amazing accomplishment! Looking forward to hearing all the details. Congratulations and get some rest.
Congratulations on successfully and safely completing such a monumental achievement!
John – I know that you already know this and aren’t scared to tell anyone, but you’re an amazing specimen! 🙂 I’m so happy for you to achieve such a HUGE dream! 21st American??? That’s just incredible! I wish you the best/safest trip down and back home. Hope to see you soon!
Just checked Johns GPS tracker and he is on the move . It appears that the long journey home has begun!
Check the Madison Mountaineering website ( dispatches) for more info on the departure from Basecamp.
Safe travels! I’m sure mom’s heart will not be completely settled until her son is home 🙂
Woohoo! Way to go John! So happy for you! What an awesome accomplishment!
Hey John, just want to say….you better be brushing your pearly whites at least twice a day, young man! 😉 lol I’ve been wondering if that is even possible?! But seriously, thank you so much for letting us experience your life & even your inner thoughts. I can’t even begin to imagine what you are feeling during the aftermath. Maybe like us gals after giving birth & have postpartum depression? Or is it just pure exhilaration? Or somewhere in between! What ever you are feeling, it’s just so awesome to know you stood on the very tip top of God’s creation [twice] & got to kinda see things from His view! Thank you, Lord, for being with John & keeping his life in your hands! Still praying for you as you travel home. Be safe!! Patti G.
Hey #21 (and for the young and hip crowds, that is “number” 21, not “hashtag” 21), I see that you guys are on the move again. You are in a mighty big hurry to get to the celebration. Just don’t trip or turn your ankle. The stair climb race is September 28. I don’t think you will need to do much training. You are probably in fairly good shape by now.
Looking forward to seeing you very soon!
After looking at the photo of K2, one of my co-workers said, “Your nephew is crazy, but he sure is handsome.,”.
Congratulations John! What an amaizing accomplishment! Your years of hard work and dedication have paid off. Good luck on the trip down!