Mountaineering expeditions require a lot of hard work high on the mountain but rest days at basecamp are equally valuable. The general rule of thumb is that we spend an equal number of days low (Basecamp) as we did high (climbing), before returning to climbing. Due to the need for good weather, this ratio does not end up being an exact 1:1 ratio. Rather, it is usually more of a 60/40 split and in the case of K2 and its extremely volatile weather patterns, I’d expect that to be closer to 70/30. Our plan was to spend 6 days resting before starting up the mountain in an attempt to summit and 3 days in, it is still up in the air. I’d like to think that we will have our shot to depart in 3 more days but right now weather projections show some significant snow coming in on the extended forecast. What does that mean for us? It means that we continue to watch the weather and make the most of our time resting at basecamp until we have a clearer picture of the forecast. Don’t worry, even if we get some snow, we are set up really well with almost 3 weeks to find a weather window!
Since returning to basecamp on July 11th, we have spent our time napping, eating to make up for a caloric deficit, drinking coffee, catching up on news, and doing our best to stay entertained. Luckily, we have a very diverse and fun team, which goes a long way in occupying the time.
July 12th: This was the first day after our return to basecamp. It was mostly filled with bathing, drying out climbing clothing and equipment, resetting tent platforms, and organizing. I got my 2nd “shower” of the month the day that we returned, so I didn’t have to worry about that. It basically consists of a mini tent, a bucket of warm water, a pitcher and some soap. It might not be luxurious but it feels pretty damn good after 5 days of hard climbing! As for our tent platforms, the weather was very warm while we were gone and the ice around our tents melted out, while the ice under our tent was shaded, creating a sort of elevated ice platform. I’m fairly proud of the height of mine and have so far refused to cut out the ice from beneath it. The only problem is that the headroom in my tent has shrunk significantly and my normal 48’, from floor to ceiling, is about 36’. I suppose I’ll have to give in very soon…
July 13th: With most of our chores out of the way, the team had to dig deep for ideas to burn the time. Jesse and I really excel in this area and seem to have a limitless supply of activity ideas. Today, the plan was a mustache shaving party for any of the guys that had beards. If you remember, we usually shave our beards prior to our summit push because of the need for our oxygen masks to fit flush on our faces. With this in mind, we didn’t want to let these beards go to waste, so we might as well have some fun with it. A few of the guys were already clean shaven, and the rest were a little hesitant to get creative with their facial hair. That meant that Jesse, Geoff and I had to lead by example. With Geoff as the primary stylist, he decided upon a traditional cop mustache for himself, a Wild West inspired design for me, and some hodgepodge work of art on Jesse. I’d have to say that they turned out pretty damn good but I’ll let you be the judge…
July 14th: Chores, Check! Mustaches, Check! What on earth would we do with our time today? Well, you might guess that after months of training for 10-15 hours a week that mountaineers might get restless with the sedentary life. While this is more or less the case, we actually do fairly well at becoming accustomed to just lounging around! That being said, it’s important that we find opportunities to remain active to keep the legs loose. This doesn’t mean that we need to anything strenuous but we do need to get out for casual hikes.
Jesse and I had been discussing a hike down to Broad Peak Basecamp, about an hour and a half South of K2BC, to capture some photos of K2 from a better vantage point. Unfortunately or fortunately, depending on how you look at it, K2 had been covered by clouds the past couple of days, but when we awoke this morning the sky was cloudless. After saturating our bodies with coffee, we departed K2BC at 10:30 AM. Nobody thought that we would make it back in time for 1 PM lunch because the shortest roundtrip yet was 3 hours. Obviously, Jesse and I saw that as a challenge…

Pakistani Air Force helicopter on its way to Broad Peak Basecamp to pick up a Scottish climber who was rescued off the mountain two days ago.
We made quick work of the hike downhill, even stopping to talk to one of the other climbing teams and one of our teammates, David, who was on his way back. The terrain was extremely rocky and we hopped, slid, and scrambled our way to BPBC. The view was as good advertised and we made sure to snag a ton of pictures, just like the ones that you see if you Google-Image “K2”. Satisfied with our haul, we made our way back uphill, arriving at our campsite at 12:59, a trim 2:30 roundtrip! With our exercise out of the way, we lounged for the remainder of the day and hung out with our Sherpa buddies, who had just returned from the mountain.
Now, we are going to have to get really creative with our rest days. Stay tuned…
Before I close, I want to ask you to pray for someone very special to me, Ron Rogers. He is the father to my best friend, Clay, and has been a mentor of mine ever since college. Recently, he had a stroke and is on the path to recovery but could use a few prayers! Stay strong, Ron, and we will have you back out on the golf course before you know it! Sending lots of love and prayers from Pakistan!

The incredible view of K2 from Broad Peak Basecamp.
The mustache party was a GREAT success!!! I chuckled thinking about limitless activity ideas from you and Jesse – that’s the truth…
Keep staying busy and stay positive!! Before you know it you’ll be up to summit, down the mountain, and back home!! 🙂
That’s the plan! Hopefully we can limit our rest days because the longer we go, the more questionable the proposed activities become.
Hi John,
I have just finished reading your latest blog. You guys look pretty good with your new facial hair styles. Things on the farm are going along well, we just finished the 2018 Potato harvest an hour ago and the Spring Carrot harvest will be completed on Tuesday. Then it is on to the grape harvest, starting with the Organic Fiesta’s and then on to the regular. Our prayers are for you and your fellow climbers.
Great to hear that all is well on the farm! Looking forward to making it back and spending some time on the porch for a couple of days!
Haha…that was creative😁. You are blessed with good people around, stay positive, stay focused, stay healthy and be ready for that big rock!
In my opinion, it’s the second most important variable that you can control when it comes to safety, after personal fitness!
Glad you are resting and enjoying this quiet time. I agree, the picture of K2 from broad peak is incredible. God has done a great job of creating something so amazing and challenging. Stay safe and strong, may God continue to be with you and protect you.
It truly is amazing out here, you can’t help but stare in awe!
So the Pakistani Air Force helicopter “moonlights” helping climbers in need? We are grateful that they have time to do that. Glad they are not to busy doing other things. If you know what I mean.
Enjoy the R and R prior to summit push. All of the Croatian table grape growers in Delano will miss church tomorrow for the World Cup final against France. If you have a soccer ball, you westerners could challenge the east. It would be a confidence builder for the Sherpas. My money is on the East. Love, Dad
They have 5 helicopters and they are the only ones that are allowed to head into the range. They only fly in pairs for safety because they aren’t as powerful as the B3’s that fly in the Himalaya’s, these are also Bell’s but are called “Squirrels”. The initial charge for their services starts at $10,000 and they can only carry 1 climber + gear each, so it looks like I’m going to be hiking out…
As for the World Cup, it’s at 8 PM Pakistani time tonight and the Polish Team at Broad Peak invited us over to watch it on their powerful satellite connection. It’s a kind offer but I’m going to pass because I don’t feel like hiking back to K2BC at 11 PM for 1+ hours. I’d reconsider if it were the US or Denmark…
New facial-hair-style. Truck-driver climbing K2.
Stay well – and safe.
New facial-hair-style.
Truck-driver climbing K2 (giggle).
Stay well – and safe.
World Cup soccer: England is number 4 and Belgium number 3. Waiting for the match tomorrow between France and Croatia. This World Cup has been a surprise to all Danes – and we are so so sorry not the be in the final!
The Sherpas seem to love the facial hair, at least that’s what I’m assuming their laughing means. Wish Denmark would have made it. Perhaps if they hadn’t run into that hot Croatian team!
Hey John, to say the least I’m in AWE! I’ve been reading your past posts & some of my questions have been answered in reading them. Also it’s obvious your peeps LOVE you & you are Blessed with a great support team here & those team members with you! Stay strong & focused…can’t wait to shake hands with a man who has been closest to Heaven! Holding you UP in Prayer…
Glad to hear that you are enjoying the journals! Just know that I get as much enjoyment out of sharing my experiences as everyone seems to get from reading them. If you ever have any questions that I don’t answer in my journals, please ask them and I will do my best to answer!
Your daily posts are a real life “Reality Show” , online…….quite addictive! Many people anxiously “ tune in” each day to read your latest “ episode” and see what is happening on “The Savage Mountain”! What’s different about this reality show, though, is that it is totally unscripted! My favorite episodes are the lighthearted ones, like today’s….without life and death drama!………..stay tuned……..
Love you Baby Boy,
Haha! I’m not surprised that you prefer the lighthearted ones and rest assured that those are my favorite too! Geoff and I are really hoping that the rest of our expedition is extremely boring. That doesn’t mean that the journals will be boring, it just means that we don’t have to deal with too many more surprises 😉
We are having a great time reading all your updates while we are driving. We are now headed back to the West Coast from Orlando. Stopped in Tallahassee last night and now headed to New Orleans. Can’t believe you had time to like our pic at the Ace Cafe. Lots of cool motorcycles. Stay positive, always remember your training and stay safe! You are such an inspiration and when I tell people about what you are doing and what you’ve already accomplished they are so impressed. Can’t wait to read the next chapter on K2.
So you are good re questions being asked of you, hmmm? Well, Gramma wants to know what is the actual temperature where you are at and what is the temp range you are dealing with? Also… she and Grampa found your Wild West look to be very impressive! Reminded Grampa of the 1950 and 60’s TV shows we used to watch religiously as a family! LOL
Keep busy, stay fit and remember you have a fan club back home, and across the USA, pulling for your success and safe return!
Just wanted to let you know that I’ve been thinking about you and the team a lot over the past few days while at the beach house. It was difficult to conjure up a visual of Karakoram range while staring out at the ocean, but I tried.
It is comforting to know that you guys show such interest in your grooming. Did you pack a big mirror?
Sending lots of good luck your way.
Praying for you and the crew John. Love the adventures. BTW that mustache would make Burt Reynolds do a 360 head turn !!!
Stay focused, pray and be safe!!