
Trek to Paiju (Day 6)
14 Miles / 10,400>10,600 ft
My appetite is back! I know so because I woke up to my stomach growling and was craving a big breakfast burrito. Unfortunately for me, I’m in the middle of Pakistan, so I’m going to have to take whatever I can get but hopefully it isn’t the herd of goats that are trekking in with us! FYI, the goats are for the sherpas and porters because apparently that’s a big part of their diet. The climbers get chicken and buffalo, the first of which will be led up the trail a few days behind us but those are just for lunch and dinner. For breakfast, I ate my share and then some of bacon, eggs, and toast.

Team break on our way to Paiju
We hit the trail and almost every member of the team made a point to ask how I was feeling. I told them that I was about 75% because my gut was feeling great but my energy was still slightly drained from the 2 days of only eating a single meal and some small snacks. Regardless, I was psyched and I galloped up the trail with Jesse and Geoff, while we rocked out to the stereo that was clipped to my pack.
Despite being incredibly dusty, the terrain was very enjoyable with very few loose rocks and solid dirt. We cruised up the valley alongside the river, which was displaying far more rapids, until we came to a nice open area for a rest break. We consumed some soup, candy, tea, cheese and dates, then hit the trail again. As we gained elevation, we finally caught our first glimpse of the famous Baltoro Glacier, which we would begin navigating the following day. It’s leading edge was massive with a 75 ft vertical wall of dirty ice from thousands of years of accumulation.
Soon we caught sight of the Paiju Camp perched on the Northern side of the valley amongst a grove of trees. The last half hour of hiking was HOT but I refused to shed my long sleeve shirt and pants because I preferred sweating over being caked in dust. When we finally reached camp, we could see that it was a multi-terraced campsite that was surrounded by large cottonwoods, who were being watered by streams flowing off the side of the mountain. We made quick work of the tents to avoid the incoming dust storm but before hopping into our tent, I purchased a Coke for $1,000 Pakistani Ruppes ($10 USD) from a porter. It was my little reward for my recovery and I enjoyed every sip. Yes, Mom, I flossed and brushed my teeth before bed! It was an early night for everyone because we knew that our toughest day of the trek to K2BC was just a few hours away.

Paiju Camp

Trek to Johla (Day 5)
13 Miles / 9,800>10,400 ft

Jeeps to Askole (Day 4)

Nice Roads
Sunnyside-Up was a bad choice… (Day 3)

Call June 27
Happy Wednesday. Everybody should be Wednesday morning back in the States. We are just finishing up where we just finished up dinner about to head to bed. Hope everyone is make it through the week. Well, but it work is going well or Corley, at least you’re not at 14000 feet in the middle of a rocky Glacier with freezing wet snow Jessie and I are just bundled up in our rent right now and you’re probably wondering why you’re not getting emotions. I got the modem working. Well, since we’ve been on the move for Jeeps. JJ tonight day, we’ve been moving all but one day we covered about 50 miles 4 days and over that time. We haven’t had very good weather. So most of our solar units for haven’t been very useful. We have been able charging battery. So everybody’s on low power the plan is so yeah right now at 4:02, which isn’t much more than a point where everybody needs in the middle of a shirt. We are going to be moving to God base camp, which is just about an hour and a half shortly to base camp tomorrow. So after about three or four hours typing will turn the corner and Concordia and catch our first you of the to salvage Mountain pretty psyched to see it. We’re hoping that the weather clears up when you get a teacher beige pants so we can fire up the solar panels and get some pictures out this post out every bit kind of talk with the same thing. I hope we get some pictures of K2. Yeah, but Mraz, hi, everybody is Norma healthy. I’m doing great Jesse. How do you feel? Fabulous, you feel fabulous, and we’re all pretty sight. You know that the snow’s dumping pretty hard on right now. So couple things that are already up there probably base camp. So hopefully we’re by the time we get up there get a couple last season, and yeah, so missing everybody back home and looking forward to getting you guys some real content and some real pictures. I know you’re all finding the see what we’re getting chance with that. So anyway, miss everyone. Talk to you soon. Bye.

Skardu (Day 2)
Skardu: June 21 (Day 2)

The Long Road to Islamabad ( Day 1)

Clearly they don’t know I’m a Delta Diamond Medallion

I have no idea whats going on

Just a few bags…

Pakistan Airlines

Call June 26
Good evening from Pakistan. It’s me again. I am currently in the 10th or I should say an hour 10 time with Jessie say yes, you know, we are in 30th, which is boxing Italy house where we guess you sleeping 3. Yeah, if she’s in 13300 we had a long day moving in moving 14 miles out 2300 feet of game at rain sleet snow that for the river which is quite a bit of fun. I think just you know, the only two that really fun to be used in in it. But yeah, I’m using and stuff obstacles wife. Anyway, I want to let everyone know that I did get the modem running more of an update issue that I need to work out when I have more time. But we’re going to have a shorter day tomorrow. So I’m going to try to get it closed out today if just had no photos or video this so that I can get you something for the first few days of the trip. Other than that, we’re how is hi Mary? Hi Jessie. You have any color commentary out? Now the tents cozy his making for a very nice number with load up here on the mountain. Alright guys, well you heard of them. Definitely. We’re at the place not and I look forward to hearing from you soon. Bye.

Call June 25
It’s me again. Hey everyone. It’s still having modem issues. I actually got some doubt in to upload or download a custom email or shoot me up. Yeah, if you can just settings issue. So we are working on that right now, but it’s a good sign that it’s not a modem issue modem problem with the software. So anyway, you got another voicemail from me. We are in pi you right now it’s about let me see how far I have about 11200 feet. We gained about 1000 a covered about 12 miles. I feel 48. I went to sleep last night not feeling well and feel pretty sharp. I moved quickly had a lot of fun team is pretty mellow rain tomorrow. So we were hoping take a rough day. But because everyone’s you Well for the most part we’re going to get a move on it. I think we have 1314 miles to cover maybe +27-020-500-3400 vertical Fleet will hit the bolts horribly. Sure. So friends going to get a little ice here Koffler. I think tomorrow is supposed to be the tough with day on the hike into base camp so will be pushing it pretty good probably about 17 hours moving time, but we’re out really hi. It’s really good for me to get myself out of that funky stuff. Not just basically put psychologically because you know, it was really wearing on me not be able to perform the level that I know I can especially when it was food related issue. So fingers crossed it doesn’t bounce back. Other than that things are great. It seems fantastic. We’re just doing a rundown of everything and it sounds like there’s about 87 permits for the mountains. There’s 18. We’re the largest team at this point. It’s a u.s. International combine team, but when I get my posts up tomorrow, I’ll be sure to give you the details on that. There’s some pretty fascinating facts about the number of quarters and who they were bringing in and so we’re anybody that enjoys Dad look forward to that. I have in journaling every day. If you guys are just going to get a whole lot of information and some good reading see you at the put aside a little bit of time for that. Other than that. Hope everyone’s doing well back home. I am looking out over. And one of the most amazing, if not be most amazing amount of rings I’ve ever seen. These cars are just hired name of foot.

Call June 24
(Not the best transcription, suggested to listen to the audio above)
Good evening from Pakistan. Hey, everyone another day or modem issues. If not, actually, it is camp wide and a couple other teams are a few teams are using the the Raya travel light system, which is considered best and Dad is not scream. We can make holes on the satellite phone in a couple left a message with his father than that, but we do have a rest day or moving tomorrow and then I could we have a rest after that. So wasn’t I’m we’re we’re going to be camping. It’s a big open area. So if it sounds like up anyway until then if you’re my voice, so nothing you guys. Today starting up pretty rough. I woke up at 4 a.m. And see if we made a strong come back and I have the chills and we had a 12 actually 30 mile hike it rained. It was fun. We switch from shorts to waterproof rain show all of the place. The weather’s been crazy here from Yeah, so I thought formal is a pretty rough day. I was dragging I felt with RJ getting breakfast or lunch, but I did take some antibiotics. So hopefully I’ll be feeling a little bit better tomorrow because we have another 12 miles tomorrow after that after tomorrow. So we will have your rest day. So really hoping that we can get not only my fitness gone but also get modem up and running so that will be able to push up mad at you cuz I got a lot of pictures, you know, I’m sure you and I know that everybody where I hope that everybody’s looking forward to reading about my journey. This place is absolutely thought maybe before credible every with the sofa made such a hard worker. I’m like Everest. We’re we have food phone in. Or food actually marches in with us. So we had a food ago and not 43 Boxes for shipping. So yeah, really interesting stuff. Look forward to talk to you guys tomorrow. Hopefully, we’ll get a post you guys up with some my voice anymore. Alright. Hope everything is well back home. If you everyone and look forward to meeting all of you. Call me. Alright, bye.