Good evening from Skardu, Pakistan everybody right now. My modem is not working my satellite photos. So I thought I’d leave you guys a voicemail. I’m letting you know how the first 48 Hours of my journey went. We are currently in scar do it say hi downtown at about 7500 feet if they’re currently shooting fireworks here, but really fascinating City beautiful right by the Indus River from here in 2 days. We’re going to take a ride up to Valley. It’s kind of like the Indiana Jones ride. From what I hear. Sometimes we have to get out to avoid some clips and some other schedule stuff. Anyway, we did some exploring jet lag is catching up with a bunch of us, but Spirits are high the team is great. We’re super psyched. Everyone seems really strong. I’m going to leave the details of travel until tomorrow when I can actually get my post out pretty fascinating cultural experience for me. Yeah, just traveling on Pakistan International are some of the more implied rules very quite a different quite a bit from what we have in the United States, but really great people around if you dust storms, yeah pretty cool stuff. So anyway, I will get back to you with the post. I need to go to sleep cuz I’m about to just walk out and I hope everybody back in the States or wherever you were listening for more from. He’s enjoying the new website. Once again, thank you to Jordan Jesse Wells for everything. I really appreciate it because it’s a great opportunity for me to stay in contact with everyone keeps me saying keeps the exciting and should be a good trip. Talk to you guys soon. Bye everyone.