Good evening from Pakistan, It’s John. It’s just wanted to call everyone and give everyone an update on what’s going on with our expedition. Last couple days been rest days, the weather is clearing up. It’s nice and sunny. Although the Mountain Community shrouded its eery just kind of sitting over it. But I’ve got a couple of really cool cool inches of it man. I’m going to share those pictures on the website you in a little bit. But other than that, we’re just been hanging out working on satellite connections, did a gear check today, went through some team workshop regarding x lines other equipment type shop. But other than that, we’re meeting well, well hi sounds like weather might be good tomorrow, but we might get a couple bad days. It’s looking like her first moved a up and I might be Friday or Saturday. So yeah. Pretty psyched about that right now, we’re just a clean title in enjoying your time at base camp. It’s pretty nice here. Great, other than that life is good. I’m not at work, not that i mind work, but I glad to be spending my Monday in a tent. Getting dark here going to head to bed. Hope all is well at home miss everybody and happy Monday. Talk to everybody soon. Bye.